Hi there, I am Candace Gish
Hello! My name is Candace Gish, I’m a motivator and empowering change agent who understands the challenges women face while finding success in their everyday lives and businesses. I am an advocate for mentorship and strong, supportive networks. My four daughters and wonderful husband have inspired me to create a better world, thus the Divas That Care Network was born. I enjoy connecting with goal-oriented women and a commitment to make a difference. I believe in the power of women converging to implement change and has ensured that the purpose of Divas That Care movement quantifies just that.
Why Did I Start The Divas That Care Network
I created the Divas That Care Network because I am the mother of four beautiful girls who look to me to model the hope and countless opportunities that lie in their futures. I recognize and salute the power that a true DIVA holds. A strong, informed, and empowered woman is a force to be reckoned with and admired. She will not back down or accept no for an answer. She works hard and pays her dues on her path to success, but not without often being overlooked and discounted by others, due to her self-assuredness. She is a lover, a giver, loyal, and dedicated, but her passion is often mistaken for overconfidence.
Why I Keep The Divas Going
Everyday I get more and more inspired by the guests who have been on my show, they talk about their lives, dreams, fears, motivation, ways to help yourself or others, things that can be hard to talk about, and so much more. How can you not get inspired when listening to these amazing women. My continued desire to provide a proper example for my girls inspire me to keep moving forward and NEVER give up.
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My Latest Episodes
Episode 1199 with Guest K.J. Kaschula
https://soundcloud.com/divasthatcarenetwork/changing-the-world-with-childrens-stories?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing K.J. Kaschula is a children’s book author, illustrator, book designer, and Brave Kids Books Publishing Director. She grew up in Gauteng, South Africa where she found herself gravitatingtoward the arts of storytelling—her first big exploration: the field of motion pictures! After her studies in this field, she felt a great pull towards traveling. She…
Episode 1195 with Guest Dr. Johanna OFlaherty
https://soundcloud.com/divasthatcarenetwork/johanna-helps?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Dr. Johanna OFlaherty, Ph.D., is an expert in crisis management from a psychological perspective, and a renowned expert in the field of trauma, addiction, and recovery. She was the Vice President of Treatment Services at the Betty Ford Center from 2006 to 2013, before serving as CEO of the Las Vegas Recovery Center, and…
Continue Reading Episode 1195 with Guest Dr. Johanna OFlaherty