Animal Prints On My Soul,  Candace Gish

A Divine Communication (Esta Bernstein)

Esta Bernstein is the Founder of Saffyre Sanctuary, Inc., author of Changing Horses, and an equine intuitive counselor and nutritional consultant.  She grew up in the racing industry with over 45 years of equine experience.  Esta learned how to rehabilitate horses from her own horse, Caleyndar.  After years of researching traditional methods to heal him, destiny brought her to racehorse nutritionist, Frank Lampley, whom she studied with for over 20 years.  During that time, and even after the death of Frank, his supplement company refers clients to Esta for consultations for their most complex rehabilitation cases.

Candace Gish
Candace Gish

Candace Gish is a motivator and empowering change agent who understands the challenges women face while finding success in their everyday lives and businesses. She is an advocate for mentorship and strong, supportive networks. Her four daughters and wonderful husband have inspired her to create a better world, thus the Divas That Care Network was born. Candace enjoys connecting with goal-oriented women and a commitment to make a difference. She believes in the power of women converging to implement change and has ensured that the purpose of Divas That Care movement quantifies just that.