Episode 992 with Guest Rosanna Pittella
Rosanna is an ideation and thought leader, a specialist in all things business, technical and change optimization. She steadfastly shares Alice of Wonderland’s habit of “imagining six impossible things before breakfast.” Rosanna will share the vision, shoulder the challenge, blaze the trail, demonstrating daily her belief that no problem is unsolvable.
Myriad Experience TM is the brainchild of the One Voice Institute of Elemental Ethics and Education Inc. is dedicated to positive change around the world. With decades of experience in management consulting, steeped in ethics and education, One Voice has and will continue making bold strides toward a better future for all. The Myriad Experience TM is designed to reinvigorate entertainment and hospitality, by creating a desirable and amazing experience that will bring joy to attendees, while uplifting struggling businesses, entrepreneurs, and community morale in the journey forward.
Candace Gish
Candace Gish is a motivator and empowering change agent who understands the challenges women face while finding success in their everyday lives and businesses. She is an advocate for mentorship and strong, supportive networks. Her four daughters and wonderful husband have inspired her to create a better world, thus the Divas That Care Network was born. Candace enjoys connecting with goal-oriented women and a commitment to make a difference. She believes in the power of women converging to implement change and has ensured that the purpose of Divas That Care movement quantifies just that.