Animal Prints On My Soul,  Candace Gish

Spirit Animals (Stef Skupin)

Stef Skupin (DVM, LVT, Owner & Facilitator at The Leaders Work) supports doctors, veterinarians and other medical professionals to feel at home and excel in their challenging career.

Stef knows that stress, even in difficult situations, is an optional response. She believes that doctors and primary caregivers are more effective when they have the ability to stay relaxed at work. She loves watching the transformation of stress to inner peace and understanding in the people she works with, allowing them to reconnect with the passion for healing and supporting their patients.

Stef Skupin has published her first book ‘Awakening From Fear’ in June 2020, describing how inquiry into fears can lead to greater personal freedom and peace of mind. She has experience running workshops, retreats and meditation classes. In South Africa, Stef has taught Homeopathic First Aid for Animals and volunteered as Breath Water Sound teacher for the Art Of Living.

Stef Skupin worked as a Veterinarian in the UK and South Africa, and as Veterinary Technician and staff supervisor in the USA. As a veterinarian, she integrated homeopathy, reiki, and interspecies communication practices with her medical practice. She still works as a communicator at Sipho Animal Communication. Stef has taught yoga, pranayama and meditation since 2008, and facilitated the Work of Byron Katie (Inquiry-based Stress Release) since 2012. She started her own business, The Leaders Work, in 2019, which aims to help medical professionals stay connected with their passion for healing. Stef believes that dynamic excellence and professionalism are fueled by a strong basis
of mental-emotional wellbeing.

Outside of work, Stef loves being outdoors and spends her time climbing, hiking, mountain
biking, and canoeing with her family. In winter, she loves reading by the fire with a cat on her

Candace Gish
Candace Gish

Candace Gish is a motivator and empowering change agent who understands the challenges women face while finding success in their everyday lives and businesses. She is an advocate for mentorship and strong, supportive networks. Her four daughters and wonderful husband have inspired her to create a better world, thus the Divas That Care Network was born. Candace enjoys connecting with goal-oriented women and a commitment to make a difference. She believes in the power of women converging to implement change and has ensured that the purpose of Divas That Care movement quantifies just that.