About Dr. Irena Kay
My Story
I know everything about Womanly Woes.
I am a mother of five, so I had my share of new motherhood, sleepless nights, cranky kids and rebellious teenagers.
I am a wife of over 30 years and boy, did I have my share of arguments, disagreements (mostly about the kids and money) and unfair disadvantages.
I am a retired physician, specializing in Ob/Gyn, and I logged years of struggle to balance work, family and the demands of running a seven-person household. I could also tell you hundreds of stories of heartbreak and disappointment, but also happiness and joy that patients shared with me.
The one thing I didn’t know until very recently is ME TIME. I was constantly fighting for or against something. It was exhausting, depressing, and gave me hypertension. I was stuck in an endless loop of negative energy and didn’t see a way out.
UNTIL… by some miracle, a major shift happened. I can pinpoint the day, actually, when my husband and I finally broke down and started talking like we had never talked before. It was rock bottom time and it was either make it or break it. At the very core of our marriage we found that we were still meant to be together. There was still a thread of connection left.
I had unconsciously, over months of practicing Reiki, started to open my mind and heart to new possibilities and finally saw that self-love is NOT self-ish. I recognized that me time is of utmost importance, as is gratitude and forgiveness.
I finally went from a mind-set of resistance to a mind set of ALLOWING.
The Law of Allowing a Miracle
The Law of Attraction states that what you ask (of God, Goddess, Source, the Universe or whatever you like to call it) will be given, if only you ALLOW it. You must be open to RECEIVE!
What I most fervently wished for was a loving husband who was grateful for my endless hours of work, supported me and the children emotionally, and shared my vision and goals.
What my husband wished for was a loving wife who respected him, appreciated what he did as a provider for the family and understood him as a man.
Neither of us was able to communicate these desires and neither of us was able to fulfill them. We operated in a state of grayness, sometimes full of resentment and bitterness, with rare moments of light.
UNTIL…after talking, literally, for three days straight without much sleep that one fateful week in 2012. We found our connection deepen and by being able to forgive and be grateful for all we had accomplished, in the 30 years together, we found love again. Ten days later we were madly in love like teenagers or newly-weds and blissfully happy. The crazy thing is that this time around it lasted. We are still deeply in love, and still happy and full of joy.
God, Goddess, Source, the Universe delivered according to the Law of Attraction!
Funny that I had no idea about this law back then… For whatever quirks or twists of fate I became acquainted with this universal law in 2013. And all of a sudden, everything made so much sense!
If only had known about it earlier! If only I had known someone who could have helped me navigate those trying times…
I have since become certified as a Law of Attraction Coach and it is my passion to help other women who are stuck in the same kind of unhappy marriage or relationship.
I have embraced the knowledge that we are truly the master of our future. We are the creators of our life and we can have it all!
What if I had a coach who had guided me and shown me that it was in my power to change my life?
I have since invested close to $ 30’000 into myself; to be coached and educated. What is the value of lasting happiness? Most people I ask say it’s priceless. Or they say: “everything”.
If you allow yourself to become that powerful creator of your life, if you are ready to invest into yourself, let’s talk.
I offer a complimentary discovery session where we find your life’s purpose, establish your vision and goals, assess your current situation, define the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and start developing ways to bridge that gap.

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