Letting Go and Holding On (Donna Palamar)
Donna Palamar holds a Masters degree in Educational Leadership, Management and Policy from Seton Hall University and cherishes the journey of life, learning and the pursuit of Dark chocolate all over the world. She is an educator, author, international speaker, columnist and coach.
As The Menopause Fairy, Donna is a modern-day Change Agent who celebrates the Magic, Mystery and Mayhem of Life, taking bold action to educate, celebrate and collaborate with women in all phases of life around the globe to heal, grow and “BE the best version of yourself possible!”
Donna has written for Inspiring Lives Magazine and was a featured writer for the Missing Piece Magazine. In which she coached readers through various topics, activities and exercises related to chosen themes. Donna helps women to honor themselves, find and use their voice and be able to surpass all that life brings their way., allowing them to come alive in a way like never before through community, encouragement and Sisterhood.